Saturday, March 19, 2011


Yes, sometimes we do feel that snoring is funny(especially in this video). Not anymore if the snoring starts to bother your life. Today, I will give some information about SNORING

What is snoring?
SNORING is a situation in which air movement is obstructed during breathing while sleeping, thus causes vibration of respiratory structures and resulting soft or loud sound. 

What causes snoring?
1) Age
Middle age people are more likely to suffer from snoring. This happens because their throats become narrower and muscle tones in their throat decreases.

2) Nasal and sinus problems
Blocked airways due to sinusitis will make the inhalation difficult in which leads to snoring.

3) Overweight
 I hate to admit it but yes, overweight people are prone to snoring due to their excessive fatty tissue and poor muscle tone.

4) Alcohol and smoking
Excessive alcohol intake and smoking( not to be forgotten second-hand smoke) will increase muscle relaxation that leads to snoring.

How to differentiate ways of snoring?
1) Snoring with closed mouth
This indicates that the snorer has a problem with the tongue.

2) Snoring with open mouth
This kind of snorer usually has the problem with the tissues in their throat.

3) Snoring when sleeping on back position 
 This condition is mild and the snorer can prevent it from happening again by changing their lifestyles.

What are the self-help tips to stop snoring? 
1) Lose weight
When snorers try to lose weight, they are actually cutting off those excessive fatty tissues in the back off their throats as well, thus decreases the chances of snoring.

2) Quit smoking
Since smoking causes blocked airways by irritating the membranes in the nose and throat, it is better to quit smoking. 

3) Clear nasal passages
The snorers can do so by trying nasal strips that can be found easily at pharmacies in order to help them to breathe more easily.

4) Reposition!
The snorers can reduce snoring by elevating their heads up to four inches and encourage their tongues and jaws to move forward. They can also try on pillow-free sleep.

5) Moist the air
The snorers are encouraged to keep their bedroom air moist by putting air humidifier. As it increases humidity, the snorers will never experience dry air that can irritate membranes in the nose and throat.

p/s: Remember that all the information given above is basically referred to mild snorers. If the snoring is severe, it is advisable to get a doctor's help before it gets even worse. Till we meet next time! :) 

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Keep wondering what is TRICHOTILLOMANIA?

Trichotillomania is a condition in which one has the urge to pull out their own hair! 

Let's get to know more about TRICHOTILLOMANIA..
1) People who suffer from this trichotillomania will repeatedly pull their hair out at the root from places like:



and even PUBIC AREA...
2) Some people will pull out large handfuls of hair which leaves bald patches and some people pull their hair one strand at a time.
3) About half of the sufferer will put their hair on their mouth to chew or eat after pulling it. 

4) Bear in mind that most of the sufferers do not really notice what they are doing but there are some of them that aware of their pulling.

What are the factors that lead to Trichotillomania?
1) Family history- Many experts believe that sufferers of Trichotillomania inherit it from their parents.

2) Age- Trichotillomania usually happens to adolescence from 11 to 13 years old. But remember that children at the age younger than 5 can also prone to hair-pulling.

3) Gender- Women are more likely to suffer from Trichotillomania.

4) Emotions- Anxiety, depression, loneliness and frustration are commonly said to be the factors of Trichotillomania. 

What will happen to the sufferers?
1) Many sufferers reported that they feel ashamed, humiliated, low self-esteem and depressed of their condition.

2) Their constant  hair-pulling eventually leads skin damage including abrasions and infections to the specific place that they are pulling their hair from.

3) Believe it or not, the hair that they eat will become a large, matted hairballs in their digestive tract. The hairballs eventually can cause vomiting, weight loss and even DEATH!

Here is one video that I found very interesting that I would like to share with all of you. Please watch this:

Reminder:So, if any of you or even your family and friends have the symptoms of Trichotillomania, the only best way to overcome it is by seeking a therapist's help. Do NOT wait until the problem gets into more serious as it will affect your life physically and emotionally.Have a nice day~