Thursday, January 13, 2011

Get Weaponed Up!

In every education system,there is going to be tests or exams that serve the purpose of evaluating the students' performances academically. Whether we like it or not, we should do some preparations when the exams are just around the corner in hope that everything will be going smoothly in the exam hall. So, today I would like to share some DO's and DON'Ts before the exams so that the students will be more prepared.

1. Get enough sleep

According to the American Sleep Disorders Association,the average teenagers who are students need around 9.5 hours of sleep per night. However, it has become a habit for students nowadays to sleep late at night and this is not good for our brain as well as our body. This is because, long term sleep deprivation will accelerate the death of our brain cells! Thus, in order to avoid from having difficulty waking up in the morning or falling asleep during the exams, we must get enough sleep before the exams.

2. Drink plenty of plain water

It is recommended that we should drink at least 8 glasses of plain water a day. And why is that so? It IS important because plain water allows for the smooth transportation of oxygen to our cells including brain cells, thus making our brain more active. Eventually, when our brain is active, it would be easier to understand, focus and memorize our notes before the exams.

3. Revision through flashcards

Flashcards are one of the most effective memorization tools. So, before the day of our examinations, we can reduce our summary notes into bullets, mind mapping, formulas and even diagrams and place them onto a card for each topic. Since flashcards act as memory triggers, it can automatically enhance our ability to recall larger bits of information. So, we can simply carry the the cards with us as it is portable and have final reviews of the flashcards before entering the examination hall.

4. Eat breakfast!

Many of the students ignore their breakfasts even though they know that breakfast is a very important meal. Yes, it is important as it helps us to kick start the day with full energy especially before going into the examination hall. Take note that a healthy breakfast will help our brains to keep up during long examinations without getting brain-tired. BUT, remember to not consume any milk before the exams as it will make us sleepy. 


1. Avoid cramming before the exams

Cramming also known as mugging refers to the practice of studying intensively to absorb large amount of information in a short amount of time-a day before examinations. This act will lead to the rise of stress level and consequently causes us to feel panic. Thus, our revision should be completed ahead of time so that we have plenty of time to read all the topics for the exams.

2. Don't study for long hours

I know that when the exams are just around the corner, we will focus and start doing our revision. But we should NOT study for a long period of time without TAKING A BREAK. Remember that our brain are not machines and even studies prove that an average person can only concentrate for not more than 50 minutes. So, give ourselves a break after a long hard work of study~!

3. Don't panic!
Most of us will feel panic when they think that they still have tonnes of topics that yet to be revised a day before the examinations. At this moment, there is no use of trying to add on extra information as our brain might not able to process and restore it. So, keep ourselves calm and try to consolidate our existing knowledge rather than trying to put as many new information as we can and end up forgetting everything.

~ "In examinations, the foolish ask questions the wise cannot answer." ~Oscar Wilde

So, I hope that my tips would be useful for all of us and I wish all of you out there GOOD LUCK!

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