Thursday, February 3, 2011


Yes, we have to admit that our planet is dying. So, it is time for us to ACT in order to save our mother earth. Here are some go green ways that you can practice in your everyday life.

Change your lamps to FLUORESCENT LIGHT BULBS-less energy less cost!
Fact: It lasts 10 times longer and it has an average lifespan of 8000 hours. 

3R-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
-glass, bottle, can, newspaper, metal, plastic, textiles, and some electronic goods.
Fact: It takes 4000 years for a glass to decompose

UNPLUG any appliances when you are not using it. Believe me, you will see a big difference.
Fact: Hand phone charger, laptop and digital camera draw power even when they are switched off

Plant a TREE today!- It will free our air from pollution and eventually it cools our Earth.
Fact: Planting 20 million trees will produces 260 million tons of oxygen

Opt for public transportation,car-pooling or cycling
Fact: Public transportation can reduce carbon dioxide by 37 million metric tons annually

When you need to copy or print, make sure you do it in two-sided.
Fact: It takes approximately 324 liters of water to produce 1kg of paper

Cut down your water bills by taking shorter showers.
Fact: One person takes up 25 to 75 gallons of water to shower.

Eat more organic fruits and vegetables. Consume less meat in a meal. 

Fact: Organic fruits and vegetables are less likely to get infected with E.Coli(bacteria that causes sickness) 

Now, let's watch this awesome video on Earth Day. Enjoy~

Yes, there are tons of other ways to go green and these are just some of it. So, let's save the earth my friend!


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