Friday, February 11, 2011

Weird Enough?

Our lives are surrounded with so many cute animals like cats! Besides cats, people do adore rabbits, hamsters, birds and so much more. But, have you ever seen rare animals that make you go WOW or OH MY GOD? So today, I will bring to you the top ten most weirdest animals on Earth!

10) Dumbo Octopus

a)They got their name due to the gigantic ears that they have which they use it to swim around.
b)Most of dumbo octopuses live in underwater grand canyon.
c) They can grow up to 200mm.
d) At will, they are able to flush their transparent skin layer.
e) It has soft bodies and a pair of fins located on their mantle.

9) Shoebill

a) They got their name simply because their bills look like shoes!
b) It is a very large bird in which the adult is in grey color while the young ones are in brown color.
c) They live in the tropical East of Africa in huge swamps.

8) Angora rabbit

a) Angora which is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbit has a soft, long hair.
b) It is originated in Turkey together with Angora cat and Angora goat.
c) It is bred mainly for wool because of its softness.
d) They need to be groomed everyday to avoid from having hairballs.

7) Proboscis monkey

a) It is the most weirdest looking monkey in the world because of its nose.
b) It is originated from south east of Asian island of Borneo.
c) Males use their big nose to attract females.
d) Young Proboscis monkeys have blue face and blackish fur.

6) Komondor dog

a) Komondor dogs have hairs like string in which protect them from the elements and predators.
b) It is also the King of the Hungarian livestock guarding-guard dog.
c) Despite its large size, this creature is unbelievably fast and quick!

5) The Narwhal
a) The weirdest thing about male Narwhal is their extremely long tusk that projects from the left side of the upper jaw.
b) Their tusks can be up to 3 meters long and weigh up to 10 kilograms! 
c) About one in 500 males has two tusks, which occurs when the right tooth also comes out. 

4) Sucker-footed bat

a) Amazingly, sucker-footed bat is one of the new species that is found in Madagascar.
b) It has sticky suckers on its feet and thumbs.
c) They use their sticky feet and thumbs to scale the large leaves of tropical plants where it roosts.
d) The bats have 4 weird suckers on each of their legs.

3) Axoloti

a) It comes from Mexico and a type of salamander.
b) The best thing about Axoloti is that if they get hurt and lost a body part, it can regenerate their missing body parts!
c) It lengths from 15-45cm with wide heads and lidless eyes.
d) It has 4 different colors- wildtype(brown with spots), melanoid(black), leucistic(pale pink with black eyes) and albino(golden, tan, pale pink with pink eyes. 

2) Star-nosed mole

a) It is originated from North American found in eastern Canada and North-eastern United States.
b) It has a thick blackish brown fur and large scaled feet. 
c) The mole's weirdest feature is a circle of 22 mobile, pink, fleshy tentacles at the end of the snout.
d) They use their tentacles to identify food by touch such as worms and insects.

1) Blobfish

a) It is a fish that inhibits the deep waters off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania.
b) Blobfish uses its relative lack of muscle to swallow edible matters that floats by in front of it.
c) They live at depths in which several dozen times higher than at sea level
d) Due to deep-sea fishing, Blobfish is currently facing extinction.

There you have it the top 10 most weirdest animals on Earth. Remember, the existence of these weird creatures is one of the signs that incredibly shows our Creator's power. Hope you enjoy this post as much as I do! Goodbye!

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